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Unified Autoscaling & Traffic Management for
Clouds and Kubernetes
Ensure reliability and cost efficiency by meeting the availability requirements
Why Autoscaling Management?
As applications grow, their availability requirements tend to become more diverse. It's common to initially think of an application's availability as a single target for the entire application. However, upon closer inspection, we often find that certain aspects of the application or service have different availability requirements. Here are a few examples:
  • User-facing components: like web servers or APIs may require higher availability to ensure a seamless user experience.
  • Backend components: such as data processing pipelines or batch jobs may have lower availability requirements, as temporary downtime is less critical.
  • Compliance or Regulatory Requirements: Certain industries or data types may mandate stricter availability standards.
  • Customer Segments: Different customer segments (e.g., enterprise vs. individual users) may have varying availability expectations.
  • Cost considerations: For some non-critical components, a lower availability target may be acceptable to reduce costs.

🚀Kubernetes and Multi-Cloud Scaling Support

Wave Autoscale seamlessly integrates with Kubernetes, allowing you to adjust Deployment Replicas (instead of HPA) and leverage Service Mesh for traffic control. Additionally, it supports scaling across multiple public clouds, including AWS, GCP, and Azure.

📜Scaling Plan as Code

Wave Autoscale allows you to define your scaling plans, metrics, and component definitions as code using YAML files, enabling version control, collaboration, and reproducibility.

A Variety of Metrics Support

Wave Autoscale leverages Telegraf and Vector, popular open-source collectors, to gather various types of metrics. These collectors support a wide array of plugins and integrations, allowing Wave Autoscale to tap into diverse data sources.

⚙️Dynamic Scaling Triggers with JavaScript, Cron, HTTP

Craft precise scaling strategies using JavaScript expressions. With metrics fetched from collectors, you can design conditions tailored to your application's specific behavior and requirements. Also, schedule scaling operations with granular control using cron expressions. Whether you anticipate daily traffic spikes or have planned maintenance, ensure your infrastructure scales accordingly.

🚦Traffic Control

In addition to autoscaling, Wave Autoscale integrates with traffic control features such as rate limiting (WAFs), virtual waiting rooms, and load balancing, enhancing application performance and user experience.

📊Detailed Scaling History

Wave Autoscale maintains a detailed history of scaling events, providing visibility into resource adjustments, triggers, and audit trails for troubleshooting and analysis.

Wave Autoscale is an unified autoscaling & traffic management for clouds and kubernetes
Wave Autoscale is licensed under the Apache License 2.0